Book of 1 Samuel (Adults)

Chapter 14

Lesson written by Earl Johnson

Review Questions:


1.     Where is Saul at the beginning of this chapter?




2.     What can be understood from Ahijah wearing an ephod?




3.     Where was the garrison of the Philistines encamped?




4.     What did Jonathan say would be the sign that the Lord had delivered the Philistines into the hand of Israel?




5.     What was the result of the first encounter of Jonathan and his armorbearer with the Philistines?




6.     What was the oath that Saul had placed the people under?




7.     How was it determined that Jonathan had violated the oath?




8.   How was Jonathan's life spared?




9.     How do the actions of Saul at the end of the chapter confirm what Samuel had foretold to Israel about having a king?